Brew Notes: Fudge, caramel, chocolate cheesecake (like the swirl kind). Medium-round body with a super clean finish. Light graham cracker and honey as it cools.

Favorite attribute: Clean finish.

What’s the most marketable thing about this coffee? Excellent daily drinker – I would not be upset to drink this coffee every morning – complex, yet approachable.

If this coffee were an animal, which animal would it be? Deer.

Preparation Method: BeeHouse Drip Pour-Over, Grams of Coffee: 24.1, Grams of Water: 383.5, Grind Size: Medium fine, Grinder Type: Baratza Encore, Pre-infusion: 30 sec, Final Brew Time: 3:15 min, Brew concentration: Dark tea-like – not completely opaque.

Trader: Spencer Ford