Sumatra Mandheling Jade Dragon Peaberry – 32502 – GrainPro Bags – SPOT SHANGHAI

Position Spot

Bags 56

Warehouses Shanghai

Flavor Profile NULL

About this coffee


Family farms in the Sabun village organized around PT Ihtiyeri Keti Ara (PT. IKA) exporters


1200 – 1300 masl


Local catimors Tim-Tim and Ateng Super, bourbon and typica cultivars


Volcanic loam


Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh Province, Sumatra, Indonesia


Washed, wet-hulled, sun-dried


September - July



Coffee Background

IKA is a longtime coffee supplier to Royal, and a solid presence in Aceh’s highlands. They work with farmers throughout the mountainous area surrounding Lake Tawar, and export directly from their mill in Takengon. We regularly buy separations by individual coop, quality, or screen size, such as this lot: a single village of just under 400 small coffee farmers located northwest of Lake Tawar.

Welcome to Aceh 

Aceh (pronounced AH-CHEY) is the northernmost province of Sumatra. Its highland territory, surrounding Lake Tawar and the central city of Takengon, is considered to be the epicenter of one of the world’s most unique coffee terroirs. Coffee farms in this area are managed with the experience of many generations of cultivation, while also harmoniously woven into their surrounding tropical forests. The canopies are loud and fields are almost impenetrably thick with coffee plants, fruit trees, and vegetables, all of which are constantly flushing with new growth. Year-round mists and rain showers never cease, farm floors are spongy and deep with layered biomass, and almost every square meter of the region seems to exude life. Nothing is ever still. Including coffee ripening, which occurs ten months out of the year. 

IKA and the Gayo Identity

Ihtiyeri Keti Ara is a family supply chain and exporting business based in the city of Takengon and currently run by Irham Yunus and his daughter, Farina Ramadhani. The company works with multiple different cooperatives in the immediate region, collecting, processing, milling, and exporting coffees of many different sortings and profiles. Farmer contributors, typical for this area, average only a few hectares each and are spread across the hillsides of the Bener Meriah and Aceh Tengah Regencies, which together circle the immediate highland ranges north and south of Lake Tawar. Royal has been buying coffee from this group for over 20 years.

PT IKA, along with many local industries in the region, identifies itself as “Gayo”, after the Gayonese ethnic group which has long made Aceh their home, and which comprises a vast majority of farmer members.  

How Wet-Hulling Works & Jade Dragon Processing 

Sumatra’s smallholder coffee is a complicated process, thanks in large part to Aceh’s very small farm sizes and consistently humid and drizzly climate that makes prolonged parchment drying impractical to do. Processing is typically not overseen by a single individual or team; instead, coffee moves task by task through different hands before reaching its final, fully-dried, state.

IKA follows the local processing customs closely, beginning with farmers picking cherry and selling to local collectors. Collectors aggregate cherry from their local neighborhoods and either process themselves, or deliver to local processors. In processing, cherry is for density, depulped, and fermented overnight. The following morning the fermented parchment is washed clean with spring water and spread out on tarps to dry directly in the sun. After the parchment is dry to the touch, often only a matter of hours depending on the time of day, it is transferred again to a local miller, who mechanically hulls the parchment from around the coffee seed, which is notably still has a moisture content close to 40% at this time (thus earning the coffee its “wet-hulled” label). The miller will proceed to continue drying the wet, naked coffee seeds on tarps under the direct sun.

Final dry milling is done centrally by PT. IKA in Takengon. This particular village’s coffee is passed through an electronic color sorter, as well as hand-picked multiple times, in order to achieve a physical preparation superior to typical regional blends and help the best characteristics of the coffee grown in Sabun village shine through.  

Peaberries are a commonly occurring mutation (5-10% of all coffee worldwide) in which the fruit develops a single, rounded seed rather than the typical two flat-sided seeds. Many people enjoy the unique focus and delicacy of flavor captured by a peaberry lot, not to mention the ability to roast with precision, thanks to the tightly-controlled screen size. 

The fact that they export from the city means containers are filled, sealed, and transported directly from the highlands to port with minimal time in Sumatra’s humid coastal city of Medan—in our experience an extremely key step for retaining quality in Aceh’s coffee.