India Kaapi Royal Robusta A, Sc 17 – 32495 – 60.0 kg GrainPro Bags – SPOT SHANGHAI

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Warehouses Shanghai

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About this coffee


Geetha Estate, MFR Estate, Igoor Estate, Kogravally Estate, and Malali Estate


950 - 1000 masl




Volcanic loam


Sakleshpur, Karnataka state, India


Fully washed and mechanically dried


December – March



Coffee Background

Robusta Trending
There is a growing trend in the specialty coffee world to seek out the Robusta species, which is considered more tolerant to the impacts of climate changes than the Arabica species. New focus on Robusta’s flavor profiles, which have a negative reputation, might also improve significantly with some of the processing innovations previously reserved for Arabica coffee.

So if you want to use Robusta and specialty coffee in the same sentence, the Western Ghats mountain range of India is where you may want to start looking. This is the legendary spot where the Sufi saint brought the first seven raw coffee beans from Mocha during his pilgrimage to Mecca in the 17th century. This spot is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most biologically diverse places in the world with more than 5,000 species of flowering plants and 508 different species of birds.

Sourcing Details
Nothing here is common, not even the Robusta, so throw away your low expectations, and be prepared to taste potential from this Robusta lot. The lot comes from 5 farms near the town of Sakleshpur where coffee is routinely grown under shade trees and intercropped with pepper and cardamom. During the harvest, cherries are meticulously selected based on ripeness and processed using a state-of-the-art wet mill, which ensures best practices in water management for depulping and washing coffee.