Brazil Mantiqueira Natural Red Catuai Blend 16+ – 32157 – Videplast Bags – SPOT RCWHSE

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About this coffee


Producers from Mantiqueira Region


1100 - 1450 masl


Red Catuai


Clay minerals


Mantiqueira Region, Minas Gerais, Brazil


Full Natural and dried in the sun


May - September



Coffee Background

Regional details

As the world's largest coffee producer, Brazilian lots often come from larger estates that use highly mechanized processing strategies to manage larger volumes.  Minas Gerais is the largest of the three major Brazilian growing regions with six micro-regions, which account for 50 percent of Brazil’s production.

Sourcing Details

From this volume of coffee, we have plucked a special treat traceable to farms located in the protected origin of Mantiqueira de Minas region known for its rolling hills and uneven terrain.  Producers here have a rich history of focusing on the specialty coffee market.  The focus has been to implement innovative farm management practices to bring out the best quality.

Processing details

While the driving focus is on creating farm management innovations, for the post harvest processing, the cherries are taken to the mill where carefully selected ripe cherries are washed and floated to remove damaged and less dense seeds before the drying process begins.  Cherries are gently dried to reduce moisture to 11 percent and then carefully stored until it is time for milling and export.

Exporting Details

Preparation for export is done at the Cooperative of Coffee Growers of Vale do Rio Verde (COCARIVE), which was established in 1961 and currently has 660 producer-members.  At the COCARIVE dry-mill, traceability and quality control are carefully managed.