COLOMBIA FT-FLO/USA ORGANIC CAUCA COSURCA 84+ – *51816* – 26801-2 – 70.0 kg GrainPro Bags – SPOT CCARGO

Position Spot

Bags 0

Warehouses Madison

Flavor Profile Cherry, cola, caramel, syrupy

Please Note This coffee landed more than 8 months ago.

Out of stock

About this coffee


Cooperativa del Sur del Cauca (COSURCA)


1550- 1900 masl


Caturra, Colombia


Volcanic loam


Cauca, Colombia


Fully washed and dried in the sun


May – September


Fair Trade | Organic

Coffee Background

This coffee is sourced from family-owned farms organized around Cooperativa del Sur del Cauca (COSURCA), which operates within the department of Cauca, Colombia. COSURCA is an umbrella cooperative that works with 11 community cooperatives in 10 municipalities throughout Cauca. COSURCA operates a centrally located dry mill facility and cupping lab where coffee is received, processed and selected for export. In addition to marketing coffee internationally, COSURCA provides producers with financing, training, and technical assistance to improve coffee quality. COSURCA also strives to improve the quality of life for coffee producers and their families through projects promoting income diversification and education. For example, COSURCA has a facility to produce fruit juice for national consumption using fruit cultivated by the same group of coffee producers. COSURCA also has a healthy kitchen program that provides funding for kitchen renovation for coffee producers.