Brew Notes: nut skin/bready fragrance, mild citric/malic acid; rounded faint acids; acid structure fleeting; soft tactile; delicate flavors, distant peach and caramelized milk; hollow finish; lingers papery.

Favorite attribute: body: was delicate and syrupy but clean.

What’s the most marketable thing about this coffee? Probably much better with deeper caramelization and brew strength: espresso candidate for mild/neutral component that’s clean/textured.

If this coffee were an animal, which animal would it be? Pangolin: small and lightweight tree-loving mammal covered in scales…metaphor for the small, hard-to-access acidity of this coffee.

Preparation Method: V60, Grams of Coffee: 29.7, Grams of Water: 479, Grind Size: 15 / medium fine, Grinder Type: Baratza Preciso, Pre-infusion: 45 sec, Final Brew Time: 3:50 min, Brew Concentration: medium-light.

Trader: Charlie