Brazil Mogiana Guaxupe SS FC 17/18 – 32545-1 – SPOT DUPUYHOU

Price $3.16 per pound

Bag Weight 130.15 lbs

Position Spot

Bags 5

Warehouses Houston

Flavor Profile Almond butter, milk chocolate, mild

About this coffee


Cooperativa Regional de Cafeicultores em Guaxupé (Cooxupé) | 14000 members


800-1200 masl


Bourbon, Mondo Novo hybrid


Volcanic loam


The Mogiana region, an area along the border of the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, Brazil


Full natural and dried in the sun and mechanical driers


May - August



Coffee Background

As the world's largest coffee producer, Brazilian lots often come from larger estates that use highly mechanized processing strategies to manage larger volumes. The Mogiana region, split between the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, is the most renowned of three major Brazilian growing regions. This region has rolling hills and uneven terrain lending to farms that are small to medium in size. This particular lot comes from Cooperativa Regional de Cafeicultores em Guaxupé (Cooxupé), which was established in 1937 and currently has 14,000 active members. Producers typically have farms that average 60 acres in size. Each producer cultivates and harvest their own cherries and places them on patios to dry to 15 percent moisture after which the coffee is moved to mechanical driers to precisely finish the drying to 11 percent moisture. Coffee is carefully stored until it is time for milling and export, which all takes place at the Cooxupé dry mill where traceability and quality control are carefully managed so each producer can be paid according to the quality of their coffee. Our current offering is Fine Cup (FC) and Strictly Soft (SS), the highest cup category in the Brazilian coffee grading.