Mexico Oaxaca Pluma Santa Cruz Ozolotepec – 33160 – GrainPro Bags – SPOT RCWHSE

Price $3.84 per pound

Bag Weight 152.08 lbs

Position Spot

Bags 9

Warehouses Oakland

Flavor Profile Kiwi, black cherry, vanilla cream, chocolate mousse, sweet

About this coffee


12 coffee producers from Santa Cruz Ozolotepec


900 – 1250 masl


Typica, Criollo, Bourbon, Mundo Novo, Caturra


Clay minerals


Santa Cruz de Ozolotepec, Santa María Ozolotepec, Oaxaca, Mexico


Fully washed and dried in the sun and mechanical driers (guardiolas)


December - January



Coffee Background

Imagine starting at sea level in the popular Mexican beach destination of Puerto Escondido and traveling along progressively steeper and curvier roads through villages, where the local population still wear traditional indigenous clothing, eventually arriving at a lush forest intercropped with coffee, bananas, corn, beans, fruit trees, and views of the Pacific Ocean in the distance below. This is the Oaxacan coffee growing region known as the zona Pluma where the Sierra Madre del Sur coastal mountain range is peppered with small coffee farms. This particular lot comes from 12 families living near the town of Santa Cruz Ozolotepec that cultivate coffee on farms with just a few acres. Each producer harvests and carefully sorts cherries and then depulps, ferments, washes, and dries the coffee using their own micro-mill. They deliver their dried parchment to the family owned export company in Oaxaca called Galguera Gomez, which specializes in preparing traceable Oaxacan lots and paying producers higher incomes for the quality of their coffee.