Crown Jewel Brazil Carmo de Minas Álvaro Antônio Pereira Coli Yellow Bourbon Natural – 1 Lb

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Warehouses Oakland

Please Note this is a 1 LB bag of unroasted, green coffee.

Out of stock

About this coffee


Álvaro Antônio Pereira Coli | Sítio da Torre


1100 - 1300 masl


Yellow Bourbon


Clay minerals


Carmo de Minas, Mantiqueira Region, Minas Gerais, Brazil


"Natural" dried in the fruit on a patio


May - September 2020



Coffee Background

From the volumes of coffee flowing out of Minas Gerais (the largest of the three major Brazilian growing regions), we have plucked a special treat traceable to a single estate located in the protected origin of Mantiqueira de Minas region known for its rolling hills and uneven terrain. The 235 acre estate called Sitio da Torre has been owned and managed by Álvaro Antônio Pereira Coli for the last 24 years. This is the same land that his great-grandfather purchased in the late 1800s after emigrating from Italy. Álvaro has built an impressive reputation for quality consistently recognized in the Brazil Cup of the Excellence competitions over the last decade.